乔库珀Welcome from the 教务长!

Welcome to the Montana Tech community! We’re so glad to have you as part of our Oredigger community. As you further your education and are challenged in your academic settings, I strongly encourage you to explore and utilize other campus resources and opportunities that may enhance your overall success and experience. 尝试一些新的东西——加入一个 学生俱乐部 that interests you, get loud and show support at 体育活动,或从 户外科技 and enjoy the amazing surroundings of 孤峰 and beyond that we get to call our backyard.

不要害怕寻求帮助. Your path at Montana Tech may not be easy, but help is here. There’s support and resources through the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE), including tutoring, success coaches, and a writing studio. You can seek assistance and accommodations through 残疾人服务, and you can also focus on your well-being and utilize 心理健康咨询服务. You’re part of the Montana Tech family and we 护理 about your success, both inside and outside the classroom.

As members of our Oredigger community, I urge you to look out for each other and demonstrate empathy, 护理, 你所做的一切都是坚定的. 在一起, 作为“坚定的实干家”,” we will continue to achieve our vision of 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学 as THE institution of opportunity and innovation.

Again, we’re thrilled to have you here, and don’t forget – we're here to help.


Vice Provost for Student Success and 教务长


As a member of the Montana Tech community, I value meeting students and hearing about their experiences. 想聊聊吗?? 给我发邮件,我们会找时间的.

地点:SUB 201